
Samsung Solo Microwave


Triple Distributions System Efficient emission of microwaves translates into better-cooked food.
TDS is a new technology from SAMSUNG aimed at cooking food more evenly.
Samsung has developed a unique wave transmission system that evenly distributes the microwaves throughout the oven.
Models with this new wave distribution system will bring all the benefits of more even cooking to a customer unhappy with the performance of their old microwave oven.

Respect Natural Texture and Original Taste
Serve perfectly cooked fresh vegetables, pasta and more with ease in the LATIN1 Solo Microwave.
With the simple push of a button, Samsung’s Humidity sensor determines humidity and automatically adjusts cooking time and power.
Easier Access to Healthy Cookin
A variety of fresh and healthy meals are at your fingertips with 9 pre-set cook modes on Samsung's LATIN1 Solo Microwave.
Easily cook a variety of foods - from green beans to brown rice, boneless chicken breast to fresh salmon fillets - confident that the result will be moist and flavorful food.
Sensor Technology The humidity sensor, located inside the microwave oven, allows for automated cooking to ensure the optimum mode for whatever dish you are preparing or warming up.
This sensor detects the degree of humidity present within the microwave, adjusting the overall cooking time to perfect the dish.
No time, weight, or quantity information needs to be entered prior to cooking.
Therefore, no guesswork is needed to get perfect results.
SAMSUNG microwave ovens, with its high-tech humidity sensor, help you prepare meals with flawless convenience.
More Information
SKU 12464
brand Samsung
Electric Power 1000 watt
Microwave Capacity Litre 34 Liter
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